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Business Systems
Fenestra Integrated Repair Manager Features

Goods Inwards

This stage in the process is to log and barcode every item delivered for repair. Each item is stored against the customer and order number for easy access to information relevant to the item. The logging and barcoding process can be done individually or in batches if there are a number of identical items in the order.

If the item has a client barcode already attached, this can be scanned and used to look-up the product code automatically. The dispatch labels can also be printed using the client bar coding system for client use after return.

Each item is checked to see if it has been repaired before. This is achieved by checking for mini-bar codes attached when the item was last repaired. If found the item can be checked in the repair history to determine warranty status and past reported failures.

FIRM uses barcode tracking techniques to track the individual items from goods inward through the repair processes to dispatch.

Customer enquiries can be handled swiftly and efficiently with search facilities to pin-point the progress and location of any item.

At any point each item can be scanned to determine the stage it is at in the repair process.

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